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ASCIT Bylaws



The Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology (ASCIT) shall exist for the benefit of undergraduates as given in the Articles of Incorporation. ASCIT shall provide representation for students to the Institute, seek to improve academic and nonacademic aspects of student life, provide universal student resources, support publications, and uphold the Honor System.



No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community.


The Honor Code shall be the fundamental principle of conduct of all members of the Corporation. It shall apply to all scholastic activities as well as to relations with other members of the Caltech community.



The following are the elected general offices of the Corporation. Only registered undergraduates who are Corporation members shall be appointed or elected to an office of the Corporation. Undergraduates must be either a junior or a senior in the fall term immediately following their election to be elected to the offices of President or Vice President.

Office of the President: The President shall be the official representative of the Corporation, and the President shall preside at its meetings. The President shall be chairman of the Board of Directors and have ultimate responsibility for proper observance of all responsibilities delegated to officers of the Corporation.

Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs: The Vice President shall serve as Chair of the Academics and Research Committee and shall be responsible for improving the academics of the Institute for all undergraduates. The Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall work with the Board of Control Chairman towards the continuance and improvement of the academic aspects of the Honor System.

Office of the Vice President of Non-Academic Affairs: The Vice President shall serve as Chair of the Interhouse Committee and shall be responsible for liaison between ASCIT and the various House organizations. The Vice President of Non-Academic Affairs shall work with the Conduct Review Committee Student Chairman towards the continuance and improvement of the non-academic aspects of the Honor System.

Office of the Director of Operations: The Director of Operations shall act as liaison to publications officers and ensure they comply with the Bylaws and policies of the Board of Directors. The Director of Operations shall have direct charge of all Corporation property and shall act as liaison to and maintain a running file of all ASCIT supported and related student organizations.

Office of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all money belonging to the Corporation and shall deposit it to the credit of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall keep a full account of money expended and received and make a report of such account once a term at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, and at such time as the Board of Directors may desire. The Treasurer must make public the details of the organization funding and reimbursement processes at the beginning of each academic year.

Office of the Director for Social Activities: The Director for Social Activities shall be chairman of the Executive Social Committee. The Director for Social Activities shall be responsible for the organization of the Corporation's social activities and shall coordinate them with the social activities of the undergraduate Houses.


The following are the appointed offices of the Corporation.

Office of the Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings of the Corporation and the Board of Directors and publicly post the proceedings. The Secretary is responsible for publicly posting notices of all meetings of the Corporation. The Secretary shall oversee communications and act as custodian to the records, the Corporation seal, and the archive. The Secretary shall act as liaison to the Board of Directors for all non-academic committee student representatives. The Secretary shall maintain the official copy of the Bylaws, Resolutions, rulings of the Review Committee, and Board of Directors Policies and Procedures.


The following elected offices are open to all registered undergraduates: Board of Control Chair, Board of Control Secretary, Conduct Review Committee Student Chair, and Tech Editor(s).


In the event of the absence of the President, the order of succession for assuming the duties of their office shall follow the order the offices are presented in these Bylaws until the Review Committee has appointed an Acting President.


If an officer ceases to be a registered undergraduate, the officer in question shall retire from that office or may petition the Review Committee for permission to continue apart from the offices of Board of Control Chair and Board of Control Secretary who may not petition.



The Board of Directors shall consist of the general elected officers of the Corporation. No person shall be elected to more than one office that would entitle them to a seat on the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors shall require all officers of the Corporation to comply with its provisions. It shall exercise all other powers in connection with the affairs of the Corporation not delegated to other persons or agencies or reserved for the Corporation itself. The Board of Directors shall have the responsibility to recognize, investigate, and discuss the long-range and immediate problems of the Corporation, and to make use of qualified people both within and outside the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. MEETINGS. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least once a week--except during Rotation, final examinations, and vacations--at the call of the President, or of any two members of the Board of Directors. Four members shall constitute a quorum. Issues concerning the full Board of Directors will take precedence over business concerning only a portion of the Board.

SECTION 4. STAFF. The Board of Directors may choose to create staff positions to assist with the responsibilities of officers of the Corporation, with the approval of the Review Committee. Staff positions must be voted upon in a Board Resolution. The officer receiving assistance is directly responsible for the activity of their staff. All staff positions and resolutions expire upon retirement of the associated officer and cannot be reappointed without reapproval of the position and resolution by the Review Committee.

SECTION 5. RESOLUTIONS. The Board of Directors may pass Resolutions upon approval of four members. The Secretary shall record and make public all Board Resolutions. Resolutions concerning the formation of a committee or office shall require the approval of the Review Committee. Approved staff positions and their duties will be recorded in a Resolution.

SECTION 6. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The Board of Directors shall adopt policies and procedures to carry out its duties in accordance with these Bylaws. These policies and procedures may be amended upon approval of four members. Any significant change must be announced to the Corporation at least one week prior to its enactment.


SECTION 1. The Academics and Research Committee shall consist of the Chairman, a Secretary appointed by the committee, one member elected from each of the houses, and at least two additional members appointed by the committee. The House-elected members shall be elected during second term each year using procedures determined by each House. The Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for actively enhancing the academic and research experience available to undergraduates at the Institute. The Committee shall act as the nominating committee for all academic committees. The Committee Secretary shall serve as liaison to all academic committees.

SECTION 2. The Interhouse Committee is a body entirely separate from the Corporation, existing to fulfill the purpose outlined in its Definition and is derived from the Institute undergraduate residential House System. The Committee represents the members of the Houses to the Board of Directors via the Interhouse Committee Chairman. The Board of Directors defers some of its responsibilities regarding committee appointments, Institute representation, and intramural sports to the Committee.

The Interhouse Committee shall act as the nominating committee for all non-academic Faculty Board committees. All recommendations made by the Committee by three weeks before the end of the academic year will be approved by the Board of Directors. For positions the Interhouse Committee has not made recommendations by that time, the Board of Directors and previous committee representatives may act as the nominating committee at the discretion of the President.


SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Review Committee shall have a Chairman selected by the Interhouse Committee and voting members consisting of one ASCIT member from each undergraduate House selected in a manner of the House's choosing. The members and the chair shall be selected at the beginning of the third term. Members of the Board of Directors may not serve on the Review Committee.

SECTION 2. DUTIES. The Review Committee shall have the power to interpret the Bylaws. The Committee will oversee all Corporation elections and appointments. It shall have the sole power to consider the validity of protests, to reschedule invalidated elections, and to appoint persons to fill vacancies in the Board of Directors. The Committee will verify that the Resolutions and policies and procedures of the Board of Directors are in accordance with the Bylaws and that the Board follows the Bylaws, Resolutions, and policies and procedures. The Committee may initiate the recall election of any officer without petition.

SECTION 3. MEETINGS. The Review Committee shall be held at least once each month of the academic year at the call of the Chairman of the Committee, any two members of the Committee, or a petition of 10% of Corporation members. Rulings shall be made by a two-thirds vote. A record of rulings shall be maintained by the Corporation Secretary.


SECTION 1. Election Periods. Nominations for CRC CoChair, IHC Chair, BoC Chair, BoC Secretaries, and Tech Editors shall open at 8 A.M on the eighth Monday of second term shall close at 5 P.M. the following Friday. Nominations for all other elected offices shall open at 8 A.M. on the second Monday of third term shall close at 5 P.M. the following Friday. All nominated candidates shall be listed on a ballot and voted upon at elections to occur the second Monday following the closing of nominations for that office.

SECTION 2. Announcements. The Review Committee Chairman shall publish an announcement in the issue of The California Tech immediately preceding the opening of these nominations. Only nominations for current ASCIT members shall be considered valid. The Review Committee Chairman shall compile a list of candidates and confirm that those candidates accept the nomination. The California Tech and Donut shall publish that complete list of nominated candidates and any statements they wish to make. The Review Committee Chairman shall post nomination sheets, announce nominations, and announce when the election is to be held.

SECTION 3. Voting Procedures. Voting shall be conducted online. Voting will take place from 10:00 A.M. to 11:59P.M. on the day of the election. Absentee ballots shall be allowed in the case of a voter who expects to be absent on the day of an election. Absentee ballots must be filed with the Review Committee Chairman no later than the midnight prior to the election. Voting by proxy is prohibited. All ballots shall be cast secretly.

SECTION 4. Voting Privileges. All registered undergraduates may vote for the Board of Control Chairman, the Board of Control Secretary, the Interhouse Committee Chairman, and the Conduct Review Committee Student Chairman. Only members of the Corporation may vote for other elected officers.

A voter may cast no more than one ballot in each election.

SECTION 5. Ballot Procedures. Each voter shall rank the candidates for each office in order of descending preference, with 1 (first Rank) representing the most preferred. Voters may assign any order to any candidate, including ranking candidates equally. Candidates can only be ranked once. The ballot shall consist of:

(a) The word "NO", (b) All legally qualified persons who were i) nominated and ii) accepted their nomination, (c) A write-in box (write-in candidates must be legally qualified candidates)

Candidates are all ranked last by default. Voters cannot abstain from ranking all candidates, but can leave the ballot in its default state; this is equivalent to abstention. Voters may choose to rank candidates equally.

SECTION 6. Counting Procedures. The Review Committee shall conduct the Count Process as follows:

(a) A Ballot shall be defined as a ranked (numbered), ordering of choices among candidates, expressing preference between candidates. Lower numbers express a greater preference, equal numbers express an equal preference. A ballot shall refer to a voter's list of preferences among candidates for a particular office, even if voters vote on multiple offices simultaneously (If voters are voting on n offices at once, they are submitting n ballots, one per office).

(b) Ballots may only contain legal candidates. Candidates may only be ranked once. Ballots with improper format or non-legal candidates shall be amended as follows:

i) If a candidate is ranked multiple times, the best ranking shall be kept, and all others shall be removed.

ii) Any non-legal candidates shall be removed from the ballot.

-For the purposes of verification, it is preferred for write-ins to be referred to by their names as they appear on Donut. Revcomm may, at their discretion, account for misspellings, nicknames, and preferred names by allocating rankings to the person they believe was written in on the ballot. There is no guarantee of accuracy here, and should the write-in candidate win with reallocated rankings, a protest shall immediately be filed with Revcomm.

(c) Ballots shall be counted, and a winning candidate shall be decided according to the following procedure, commonly referred to as Ranked Pairs Voting:

i) All pairwise combinations of candidates shall be generated. Each combination, of the form (A, B) shall be assigned a strength, which shall be the number of ballots ranking A better than B.

ii) This list of combinations shall be ordered by strength, with highest strengths first.

  1. Ties shall be broken by looking at the inverse pairs. The inverse of (A, B) is (B, A). The pair with the weaker inverse shall be ranked first.
  2. In cases of irresolvable ties, all permutations of the tie shall be tested, and if all achieve the same result, that result shall be considered valid. If all do not, a protest shall be automatically filed.
  3. A graph shall be constructed by proceeding through the list of pairs. Beginning with the strongest pair of the form (A, B), a directed edge shall be drawn from A to B. This is repeated for all pairs which are stronger than their inverse.

-If drawing this edge would create a cycle, the line is not drawn, and the pair is skipped. A cycle is defined as a non-zero length path that exists from a candidate back to itself.

  1. The winner shall be the candidate who is the source for the graph, i.e. the candidate who is the start of all edges.
  2. If multiple winners are needed, the winning candidate is declared as a winner and stricken from all ballots, and the process is re-run. This is repeated until all the necessary number of winners has been chosen.

(d) If at any point "NO" wins the election, the remaining positions for the office shall remain vacant and the situation will be addressed according to Article VII Section 10.

SECTION 7. Reporting The Review Committee Chairman must release and post the report of the Review Committee no earlier than 11:59 P.M. on the first day following the election and no later than 10:00 A.M. the second day following the election. This report shall be posted on Donut. Numerical results will not be made public until all officers have been elected. All protests must be given in writing either to the President or the Chairman of the Review Committee. If no protests are received prior to 11:59 P.M. on the first day following the election, the report of the Review Committee will be considered valid and final. Upon receipt of a valid protest, all scheduled elections must be postponed pending resolution of the difficulty. All contested election results shall be withheld until all protests for the respective elections have been resolved.

SECTION 8. Installation of the CRC CoChair, BoC Chair, and BoC Secretaries will take place by the end of 2nd term. Installation of the IHC Chair, and Tech Editors will take place at the start of 3rd term.

Installation of all remaining Officers will take place 7th Monday of 3rd term.

An oath of office shall be administered by the retiring President to the incoming President which may take the following form: "I do solemnly swear that I will support the Articles of Incorporation of the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Incorporated, and that I will discharge the duties of the office to which I was elected to the best of my ability."

The President shall administer the oath of their choice to the incoming Board of Directors.

SECTION 9. Retirement All general officers of the Corporation shall retire immediately upon the installation of their respective successors.

SECTION 10. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy of any elected office due to "NO" winning the election, the Review Committee may appoint an acting officer to fill the office and perform all of its duties, provided that the appointed officer was not a candidate in that election.

In the event of a vacancy of Board of Control Secretary wherein the minimum number of Secretaries is achieved, the Board of Control Chair may appoint an acting Board of Control Secretary to fill the office and perform all of its duties, provided that the appointed Secretary was not ranked below "NO" in that election.

In the event of a vacancy of any elected office not due to an election decision, the Review Committee may appoint an acting officer to fill the office and perform all of its duties.

The Review Committee shall convene within two weeks of notification of the vacancy to either appoint an acting officer or defer appointment of an acting officer to a special election. A special election to replace an acting officer may be initiated by a petition of 10% of students allowed to vote for that office. If the vacancy resulted from recall of an elected officer, special election to replace the recalled officer occurs automatically. The Review Committee may choose to defer any acting officer appointment to a new special election. During these special elections, standard election procedures shall be followed with the exception that the nominations will be opened on the Wednesday immediately following the deferral decision of the Review Committee or the presentation of the petition to the Review Committee. An individual may have no more than one vote despite performing the duties of more than one Board of Directors office.

In the event of a vacancy of any appointed position, the body with original appointment power may restart their standard appointment decision process.

If an officer finds that they will be unable to perform their duties for five consecutive weeks for any reason other than studying abroad, they must retire or petition the Review Committee for permission to continue their office. Officers who are studying abroad, with the exception of the ASCIT President, ARC Chair, IHC Chair, BoC Chair, BoC Secretaries and CRC chair, may have temporary replacements appointed by the Review Committee. If the ASCIT President, ARC Chair, IHC Chair, BoC Chair, BoC Secretary or CRC chair chooses to study abroad at some point during their term, they must immediately retire from their position and the vacancy will be filled as normal.

SECTION 11. Appointments. The Corporation Secretary shall announce the availability of any open Board of Director appointed offices and publicly post a nomination sheet. Application periods for the appointed offices shall be opened as soon as possible after the first meeting of each new Board of Directors. Application periods shall remain open at least one week.

The Board of Directors shall interview these applicants for appointed offices. The interviews and appointments shall be closed, but the Board of Directors may invite certain individuals to assist with the interview and the selection.

Appointments to these offices shall be made by the Board of Directors no later than two weeks after the application period for those offices are closed.

All appointed positions, regardless of what body has the power to appoint, must have a nomination sheet posted for at least 3 days.

SECTION 12. Non-election votes. For non-election votes, the winning proposal must receive an absolute majority of votes. Absolute majority is defined as follows:

(a) In votes requiring a simple majority, absolute majority shall be defined as half the number of correctly-cast non-abstaining votes. (b) In votes requiring a two-thirds (2/3) majority, absolute majority shall be defined as two-thirds (2/3) of the number of correctly-cast non-abstaining votes.


SECTION 1. Any elected officer may be recalled in a special election. A special election shall be held upon presentation of a petition bearing the signatures of twenty percent (20%) of those eligible to vote for the office or by request of the Review Committee. Signatures will be valid only if the petition was signed not more than seven days before it was submitted to the Board. On the question of whether the officer shall be recalled, an affirmative vote from two-thirds (2/3) of the voters shall suffice to remove the officer in question from that office; otherwise, the officer in question shall continue.

SECTION 2. Any Board of Director appointed officer may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. In the event of a successful recall of an elected officer, nominations will open the Wednesday immediately following the removal of the ejected officer and a special election following standard elections procedures will be held within two weeks. The successor will take office immediately upon election.

In the event of a successful recall of an appointed officer, applications for the office will open immediately and the standard appointment decision process will be concluded within two weeks.

SECTION 4. Any appointed committee member may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the body with the corresponding appointment power.


SECTION 1. DUES. Caltech will disburse the Corporations award from the Caltech Student Activity Fee per direction of the annual MOU between the Corporation and Caltech as described in SECTION 4. The amount disbursed, as ASCIT's budget, will be the cost of dues times the number of registered students. The Corporation dues shall be payable on registration day of each term at the rate given in the schedule below:

Fall: $40.00 Winter: $40.00 Spring: $40.00 Total: $120.00

Dues for each term shall be non-refundable after add day of said term. At the beginning of each academic year, the corporation is obligated to allocate 10% of each term's dues to the California Tech.

SECTION 2. BUDGET. Upon entering office, the new Board of Directors shall adopt a budget to govern all Corporation expenditures for the following fiscal year.

SECTION 3. BIG T ASSESSMENT. Each Corporation member will be assessed fifty-seven dollars ($57) for the Big T, payable on the days of registration at the rate of nineteen dollars ($19) per term. A member withdrawing before the end of third term may either receive a refund for installments paid, or complete the payments and receive an annual. Before the end of third term, a member who does not wish to receive a copy may, upon written request to the Business Manager of the Big T, receive a refund of any installments paid toward that year's book.

SECTION 4. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU). At the start of each academic year, the Corporation and Caltech will enter a MOU regarding certain accounting and business services. This MOU will outline the business relationship between the two entities. The President will have the power to sign the MOU, after review and approval from the simple majority of BoD and the simple majority of Revcomm. This review meeting must occur no more than a week after receiving the MOU.

SECTION 5: TAXES: Caltech shall prepare the Corporation's annual IRS form 990 and any related forms based on information recorded in the Oracle financial system. The Corporation will provide Caltech any other necessary information to facilitate the timely completion of such tax returns. The fiscal year shall begin on October 1st and end on September 30th of the following year. Only the President and Treasurer will have the power to sign tax documents.

SECTION 6: ACCOUNTING MATTERS: The President and the Treasurer shall have online access to the Oracle financial system and Data Warehouse so that the Corporation may view their financial accounts.


At the beginning of each school year the Business Manager of The California Tech will submit to the ASCIT Board of Directors a budget detailing the expected income and expenditures for the coming year. This budget will be ratified by the Board of Directors.

The Business Manager of The California Tech shall submit a list of all expenditures bi-quarterly and is expected to submit a list of expenditures associated with publication prior to the issuing of payroll. Any expenditures not included in this list shall not be paid except in exceptional circumstances. If after all expenditures have been paid the California Tech finds themselves with a net negative balance they will immediately cease operations. Until they have secured the funds to bring their balance to expected cost of publishing the next issue they will not publish.

Each member of the writing staff shall be paid according to the following scale: All editors of the California Tech will be paid $x/issue, to be divided amongst themselves as they see fit. All writers and illustrators of the California Tech shall be paid $X/issue. These rates must be determined at the start of the academic year with the express consent of the Board of Directors of ASCIT.


SECTION 1. The official publications of this Corporation are: (a) California Tech, a newspaper published at least once every two weeks, except during finals and vacations, (b) Big T, an annual published once a year, (c) little t, a student handbook published once a year, (d) Totem, a literary art anthology published once a year, (e) Donut, a website.

SECTION 2. The officers of these publications are:

(a) for The California Tech: Editor(s), elected by the Corporation; and Business Manager, appointed by the Board of Directors. (b) for the Big T: Editor(s) and Business Manager, both appointed by the Board of Directors. (c) for the little t: Editor(s) and Business Manager, both appointed by the Board of Directors. (d) for Totem: Editor(s), appointed by the Board of Directors. (e) for Donut: A Development Team, approved by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. The officers of each publication are solely responsible to the Board of Directors for that publication's success. The Board of Directors may make recommendations to the publication's officers in regard to policy or finances. The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the circulation and finances of the publications. The Director of Operations shall be responsible for maintaining communication with publication officers on the progress of publications.

SECTION 4. The Editor(s) of each publication is responsible for the selection and preparation of all content of that publication exclusive of advertising material. Each Editor are responsible for meeting deadlines agreed upon with printers or other contractors. Their responsibilities terminate after the publication is printed.

SECTION 5. The Business Manager of each publication is responsible for all funds belonging to that publication. The Business Manager is the only one empowered to transact business in the name of a publication. Their responsibilities terminate after distribution of the publication, invoicing of all advertising and receivables, payment of outstanding bills, preparation of adequate financial records, and, in the case of the Big T and the little t, the collection of revenues from advertising and other sources. If no Business Manager is appointed for the publication, these responsibilities are also those of the Editor(s).

SECTION 6. Receiving ASCIT funding is contingent upon the following conditions. All publications must be completed and distributed to students in a timely manner. The Tech shall publish ASCIT minutes, the Interhouse Committee Rotation schedule, and the candidates list and statements for ASCIT elections. The Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, Board of Director Resolutions, and rulings of the Review Committee shall be kept current on the Donut website and published each year in the little t in completely amended form. Donut must also make posting announcements, minutes, and general information convenient for Board members. The Review Committee shall mediate disputes between the publication officers and the Board.


SECTION 1. All members of the Corporation shall be entitled to: (a) The right to hold a Corporation office, in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws. (b) One vote in each corporate election. (c) One subscription to all Corporation publications.


SECTION 1. Corporation meetings may be called at any time by the President or the Board. Twenty-five percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 2. The Corporation may exercise all powers consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. In all questions of procedure for which provisions are not made in the Bylaws, the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall determine the rule.


SECTION 1. Purpose and Duties. The Board of Control (BoC) shall investigate allegations of academic violations of the Honor Code by undergraduates and provide findings of fact and recommendations for conviction, nullification, and protection to the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students. In this article, the term "Dean" will refer to the Dean and Associate Deans.

SECTION 2. Membership, Elections, and Duties.

(a) Membership: The BoC shall consist of a Chair and at least two but no more than four Secretaries; two members elected from each of the undergraduate houses; up to 7 at-large members appointed by the newly elected Chair and Secretaries before the beginning of third term—with 2 selected from applicants planning to live in Bechtel the following year, if any; and 1 member representing students not affiliated with any House. They all serve a term of one year.

(b) Replacement: If a BoC member fails to register or takes a leave of absence at any time during their tenure, they shall be replaced immediately in the same manner as they were selected. The replacement shall serve only for the remainder of the one-year term.

(c) Elections: Only registered undergraduates may be elected. Only registered undergraduates may vote and they may vote in only one House election. Houses must run representative elections before the beginning of third term. The election for the unaffiliated member shall be run by the Review Committee before the beginning of third term as specified in Article VII. Only registered undergraduates who did not vote in a House election, including those who live in a House, may vote for the unaffiliated representative. The unaffiliated representative may be a registered undergraduate with membership in a House.

(d) General Duties: The BoC Chair and the Secretaries lead, organize, and review the activities of the BoC. The Chair and Secretaries assist Full Boards, but do not vote. The Chair, Secretaries, and voting members conduct preliminary investigations. Voting members serve and vote on Full Boards. If a case involves a graduate Respondent, the BoC will coordinate with the Graduate Dean.

(e) Training: By the middle of third term, the new BoC members must attend a training conducted by the Chair, Secretaries, and the Dean before conducting a preliminary investigation or serving on a case panel. Any member of the Caltech community may attend with the Chair or Dean's approval.

SECTION 3. Reporting, Case Duration, and Confidentiality

(a) Reporting: All members of the Caltech community are expected to report suspected violations of the Honor Code by undergraduates to the BoC or the Dean. The person reporting an allegation is the Complainant. The person against whom the allegation is made is the Respondent.

(b) Case Duration: The BoC must consult the Dean if it cannot submit its Case Report to the Dean within 10 academic weeks of receiving an allegation, excluding the summer term and Respondent's periods of unavailability for any reason, including leaves, terms abroad, vacation, or illness.

(c) Confidentiality: BoC leadership and voting members, respondents, assistants, and witnesses participating in a case ("participants") shall not reveal to anyone within or outside the Caltech community any of the information concerning the case, including the identities of Respondent and witnesses, the allegation, evidence, BoC meetings, and/or discussions of the case. Failure to maintain confidentiality shall be considered a potential violation of the Honor Code. The exceptions to confidentiality are that:

(i) Respondent may discuss their case with persons who can provide evidence in their defense; seek support services from family, Campus resources, their assistant and their silent witness (as described and selected in Section 4); and seek professional services from therapists, attorneys, and clergy. Campus support services include RAs, RLCs, the Dean, Student Wellness Services, and the Center for Diversity. BoC leadership and voting members may seek support services from Campus resources.

(ii) Faculty, the Dean, and members of the BoC may offer support to Respondent but are not confidential resources. They may report to the BoC admissions of wrongdoing Respondent makes to them. Respondent makes such admissions to them at their own risk.

(iii) The BoC and Dean may share details of the case as needed with each other and with participants in the process, appropriate faculty, and staff to carry out the BoC process and recommendations.

(iv) Participants may share any information with the Dean or BoC.

(v) After the case, Respondent may discuss their case—or their portion of a case that has multiple respondents—with others. Once Respondent initiates such discussion, witnesses in that case may also discuss the case with others.

SECTION 4. BoC Process

(a) Oath: All persons appearing before the Full Board shall state: "I swear (or affirm) to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Being dishonest during BoC proceedings may be considered a violation of the Honor Code.

(b) Cooperation: Respondent must cooperate promptly in scheduling appearances for any meeting they are requested to attend by the BoC or Dean. If Respondent does not so cooperate, actions may be taken without their input.

(c) Preliminary Investigation: The preliminary investigation involves these steps:

(i) The Chair:

  1. Appoints 2 investigators whom the Chair approves as unbiased from among the Chair, Secretaries, and current and former voting members.
  2. Requests concerns and evidence from the class instructor and/or TA.

(ii) The Investigators:

  1. Notify Respondent of the allegation.
  2. Invite Respondent to choose an assistant from a list of current and former BoC members and current House Presidents, approved by the Chair ("assistant"). Respondent may bring their assistant to the preliminary meeting and any future meetings with the BoC. The assistant may not speak for Respondent, but may provide support and information on the BoC process.
  3. Talk to persons involved in the allegation.
  4. Gather copies of all relevant evidence.
  5. Discuss the allegation, available evidence, and BoC process with Respondent.
  6. Determine whether there is a reasonable possibility of an Honor Code violation by Respondent and either recommend dismissal to the Dean or forward the case to a Full Board for a hearing.
  7. Notify Respondent whether the case will proceed to a Full Board.

(d) Pre-Full Board: The period before the Full Board hearing involves these steps.

(i) The BoC:

  1. Gives Respondent a list of the Full Board members who will hear their case.
  2. Schedules Respondent's hearing on a date that gives Respondent a reasonable time to review the evidence and prepare a defense beforehand and at an hour that Respondent finds reasonable.
  3. Requests Respondent to provide evidence and witness names in their defense.
  4. Answers Respondent's questions about the process.
  5. Arranges for Respondent to review the relevant evidence in person and take notes, with a BoC member present.
  6. Invites Respondent to choose an assistant if they have not already done so.
  7. Allows Respondent to choose a silent witness who must be a member of the Caltech community and approved by the Chair, to accompany them to meetings with BoC.
  8. Requests Respondent's input on questions to ask witnesses and issues to consider.
  9. Appoints a Full Board of 5 voting members. If need be, the Chair can appoint former voting members or current House Presidents. The Chair shall exclude the preliminary investigators and those who claim, or whom the Chair determines have, an issue of bias.
  10. Resolves any objection by Respondent that a Full Board member is biased.

(ii) The Dean:

  1. Resolves disputes concerning bias.
  2. Resolves disputes concerning scheduling.

(e) Full Board Hearing: The Full Board hearing generally involves these steps.

(i) The Chair and Secretary:

  1. Assist the Full Board.
  2. Take notes and maintain the record of the hearing.
  3. Appoint a temporary designee from the BoC to do these duties in their absence.

(ii) The Full Board:

  1. Interviews Respondent and relevant witnesses.
  2. Allows Respondent to review any relevant evidence gathered after their pre-hearing evidence review and respond in writing.
  3. Considers all relevant evidence.
  4. Votes on resulting recommendations to the Dean.

(iii) Respondent may:

  1. Select a silent witness who must be a member of the Caltech community and approved by the Chair, to accompany them to any meetings with the BoC.
  2. Submit written materials in their defense before, during, or promptly after the hearing.
  3. Present their defense to the Full Board.
  4. Request the BoC to ask certain questions of certain witnesses.
  5. Request to hold a short, private recess with their assistant, their silent witness, a Full Board member, the Chair, or the Secretary during the hearing. The Full Board member must share that information with the rest of the Full Board, the Chair, and the Secretary and remains able to vote on the case.

(iv) Attendees: Attendance at all Full Board meetings is limited to the BoC Chair and Secretaries and the Full Board. Witnesses, including Respondent, may attend only their own meetings with the Board. Respondent may bring their assistant and silent witness. No other attendees at Full Board meetings are permitted. The Board may require disruptive persons to leave.

SECTION 5. Full Board Recommendations to the Dean

(a) Definitions of Recommendations: The Full Board votes on these recommendations to the Dean:

(i) Conviction: Whether an Honor Code violation has been committed and its scope

(ii) Nullification: How to nullify the unfair advantage gained

(iii) Protection: How to uphold the Honor Code and protect the Caltech community from future violations (b) Dismissals: If the Full Board reaches a "no" vote on conviction, it shall recommend dismissal to the Dean. Where dismissal is recommended, after either the preliminary investigation or Full Board hearing, the BoC and Dean may agree on further action or finalize the dismissal. (c) Convictions:

(i) Confirmation of Access to Evidence: Before this vote, the Secretary will confirm that Respondent has had access, and a reasonable opportunity to respond, to any evidence being relied upon for this recommendation.

(ii) Preponderance of the Evidence: To recommend conviction of an Honor Code violation, the Full Board must find that the relevant evidence shows a likelihood of 50% plus at least the weight of a feather (i.e., it is more likely than not) that Respondent committed it.

(d) Protection:

(i) Past Convictions: After conviction and nullification votes are concluded, the Secretary will provide the Full Board any past Case Reports and Reinstatement documents for Respondent for consideration in making the protection recommendation.

(ii) Respondent's Honesty: The Board may consider its view of Respondent's honesty during the process in making the protection recommendation.

(e) Votes Required: The conviction, nullification, and protection recommendations each require a vote of 4 of 5. The dismissal or tabling of a case requires a vote of 3 of 5. Abstentions are not allowed on the conviction vote. A Full Board member who is unable to make a decision on conviction may not abstain but must vote not to convict. (f) Notification to Respondent: The Dean will communicate the results of the vote to Respondent. (g) Case Report: The Full Board will provide the Dean with a Case Report that summarizes the facts and the evidence relied upon in determining its recommendations. The Dean will provide the Report to Respondent. (h) Dean: The Dean will assess the Board's recommendations. The Dean may instruct the BoC to re-open a case and address any issue. The Dean then decides whether to adopt, reject or modify the Board's recommendations. The Dean will inform Respondent of their decision. (i) Confidentiality of Records: Case records are maintained and accessed by the BoC Chair and Secretaries. The BoC chair may share relevant records the for the purpose of official business.

SECTION 6. Respondent's Options after Receiving Case Report

(a) Response: Within 7 calendar days of receiving the Case Report from the Dean, Respondent should (a) contact the Dean's Office to schedule a meeting to discuss the Case Report, and (b) submit to the Dean any written objections to the Report and any additional information in their defense.

(b) Appeal: Within 7 calendar days of receiving the Dean's decision letter, Respondent may submit an appeal, in writing, to the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA), in which case the Dean's decision will not go into effect until the appeal is resolved. The appeal is limited to the Dean's conviction, nullification, and/or protection decision(s) and is limited to one or more of the following grounds: a failure by the BoC or Dean to follow a procedure in this Article which resulted in an inaccurate determination of a violation of the Honor Code; the availability of new evidence or witness that were not available at the time of the Full Board hearing; or the protection decision is substantially disproportionate to the conduct. The decisions of the VPSA are final. The VPSA may instruct the BoC to re-open a case and address any issue.

SECTION 7. Reinstatement

(a) Notification to Dean and BoC: Within 6 weeks of the expiration of an involuntary leave, Respondent must:

(i) Complete a Return from Leave form

(ii) Send a letter to the Dean requesting reinstatement and explaining their plan for future compliance with the Honor Code. Respondent may elect to share this letter with the BoC.

(ii) Contact the BoC Chair or Secretary to schedule a meeting to discuss the Honor Code.

(b) Decision: The Dean makes the decision on Respondent's reinstatement. The Dean's decision is not appealable. The BoC may make a recommendation to the Dean on reinstatement.


SECTION 1. Purpose and Duties. The Conduct Review Committee (CRC) shall investigate allegations of non-academic violations of the Honor Code or policy by undergraduates, including by individuals, student groups or organizations, and Houses. It will provide findings of fact and recommendations for responsibility and sanctions to the Dean of Undergraduate Students ("Dean").

SECTION 2. Membership, Elections, and Duties.

(a) Membership: The CRC shall consist of:

(i) The CRC Student Co-Chair and CRC Faculty Co-Chair ("Co-Chairs"). The position of CRC Student Co-Chair is not a Corporation office and shall be open to any undergraduate. Procedures for electing the CRC Student Co-Chair will follow those as outlined in Article VII. The position of CRC Faculty Co-Chair shall be the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students.

(ii) The Student Representatives. The student representatives on the CRC shall consist of the CRC Student Co-Chair, one representative from each of the undergraduate houses, and one unaffiliated representative. They all serve a term of one year. Only registered undergraduates may be elected as student representatives.

  1. House Representative Elections: Only registered undergraduates may vote and they may vote in only one House election of a House with which they are affiliated at the time of the election. Houses must run representative elections before the beginning of third term.
  2. Unaffiliated Representative Elections: The election for the unaffiliated representative shall be run by the Review Committee before the beginning of third term as specified in Article VII. Only registered undergraduates who did not vote in a House election, including those who live in a House, may vote for the unaffiliated representative. The unaffiliated representative may be a registered undergraduate with membership in a House.

(iii) The Faculty and Staff Representatives: Sufficient CRC representatives shall be chosen by the Co-Chairs and Dean from members of faculty and staff. Registered undergraduates will be given the opportunity to nominate members of faculty for consideration.

(b) Replacement: If a CRC representative fails to register or takes a leave of absence at any time during their tenure, they shall be replaced immediately in the same manner as they were selected. The replacement shall serve only for the remainder of the one-year term.

(c) General Duties: The CRC Co-Chairs lead, organize, and review the activities of the CRC. They act together and perform all CRC duties together, including attending the same CRC meetings, sharing all pertinent information with each other, and making decisions together. The Co-Chairs assist with full hearings, but do not vote. They perform preliminary investigations and keep the official record. Representatives serve and vote on full hearings.

(d) Training: Each year, all CRC representatives must attend a training conducted by the Co-Chairs before conducting a preliminary investigation or serving on a case panel. Any member of the Caltech community may attend with the Co-Chairs' approval.

SECTION 3. Rights and Responsibilities

(a)Reporting: All members of the Caltech community are expected to report suspected violations of the Honor Code by undergraduates to the CRC or the Dean. The person (or people) against whom the allegation is made is the respondent.

(b) Presumption of Non-Responsibility: The respondent will be presumed not to be responsible for charges until the CRC process finds them to be so.

(c) Cooperation:

(i) The respondent may elect not to speak on their own behalf, including not to attend interviews or hearings. A respondent may also attend without speaking. The respondent should communicate such intentions to the Co-Chairs in advance. The respondent will not be presumed responsible based on such a choice, however actions and decisions may continue without their input.

(ii) If a respondent chooses to speak, they must be honest. Being dishonest during CRC proceedings may be considered a violation of the Honor Code.

(d) Confidentiality: CRC Co-Chairs and representatives, CRC advisors, designees, respondents, and witnesses participating in a case ("participants") shall not reveal to anyone within or outside the Caltech community any of the information concerning the case, including the identities of the respondent and witnesses, the allegation, evidence, CRC meetings, and/or discussions of the case. Failure to maintain confidentiality shall be considered a potential violation of the Honor Code. The exceptions to confidentiality are that:

(i) The respondent may discuss their case with persons who can provide evidence in their defense; suggest witnesses for the CRC to interview; seek support services from family not affiliated with Caltech, campus resources, and their CRC advisor; and seek professional services from therapists, attorneys, and clergy. If there are multiple respondents, they may discuss their case with each other. Campus resources include RAs, RLCs, the Dean, Student Wellness Services, and the Center for Diversity. CRC Co-Chairs and representatives may seek support services from campus resources.

(ii) Faculty, staff, the Dean, CRC Co-Chairs, and CRC representatives may offer support to the respondent but, unless otherwise specified, are not confidential resources. They may report to the CRC admissions of wrongdoing that the respondent makes to them. The respondent makes such admissions to them at their own risk.

(iii) The CRC and Dean may share details of the case as needed with each other and with participants in the process, appropriate faculty, staff, and administrators to carry out the CRC process and recommendations. The CRC may put aside normal confidentiality conventions under consultation with the Dean, as necessary.

(iv) Participants may share any information with the Dean or CRC.

(v) After the case, the respondent may discuss their case—or their portion of a case that has multiple respondents—with others. Once the respondent initiates such discussion, witnesses in that case may also discuss the case with others.

(vi) Records will be kept strictly confidential, except where legally required to be released or needed by the Co-Chairs or Dean in the course of performing their duties for the CRC, consistent with Caltech's Access to Student Records policy.

(e) CRC Advisor: The respondent may choose a member of the Caltech community who is not otherwise participating in the case to serve as their CRC advisor. The CRC advisor must be approved by the Co-Chairs. For any meeting with the CRC, the respondent may be accompanied by their CRC advisor, and may have a short, private recess during those meetings with their CRC advisor. However, the CRC advisor may not otherwise participate in the process nor directly speak on the respondent's behalf.

(f) Replacement: If any participant believes that particular CRC members are unable to render an unbiased judgment, including themselves, they may request that member be replaced in the case. A case will not proceed until such requests are addressed. If the respondent is a member of the CRC, they must be replaced in the case.

(i) Co-Chair Replacement: The request is made to the Dean. If approved, the Dean will appoint a Co-Chair designee, as described in Section 8, for the rest of the case.

(ii) Representative Replacement: The request is made to the Co-Chairs. If approved, the new representative will be added in accordance with Section 5.

(g) Access to Information:

(i) For each case, all information which will be used in the CRC process, excepting that which would violate confidentiality to provide, will be provided to the respondent at their request. They will have the opportunity to respond to all such information in writing.

(ii) A participant may make a reasonable request to have any relevant information included in the record.

(iii) All participants will be given written notice of the time, date, and location of all interviews and hearings in which they will be participating by the Co-Chairs. A date and time that will be selected such that all such participants have sufficient time to prepare and can attend.

(iv) All participants have the right to request clarification concerning the CRC process from the Co-Chairs.

(h) Accommodations: All participants will be provided the reasonable accommodations due to disability that they require to participate in the CRC process.

(i) Other: The respondent and participants have all other rights and responsibilities described in the Honor Code Handbook's section "Rights and Responsibilities" and the rest of this Article.

SECTION 4. Preliminary Investigation

(a) Preliminary Notice: The Co-Chairs will notify the respondent in writing of the charges, accusations, and all other evidence and information relevant to the case which is available at the time. This will be done with reasonable notice ahead of any interviews or hearings with participants.

(b) Information Collection: When a case is first referred to the CRC, the Co-Chairs will perform a fair and thorough preliminary investigation to collect all necessary information concerning the case. This will include interviews conducted by the Co-Chairs with those with knowledge of the case. Besides the provisions in Section 3, interviewees may be required by the Co-Chairs to discuss such knowledge. An interview must be conducted with the respondent.

(i) The respondent has the right and responsibility to ensure the entire case is presented, including by requesting interviews be conducted with people and by providing potential questions for witnesses.

(c) Preliminary Decision: Once the preliminary investigation has been performed, the Co-Chairs will make a preliminary decision about whether they believe:

(i) No violation occurred or there is insufficient evidence to proceed: The Co-Chairs will refer the case to the Dean for dismissal.

(ii) A violation has occurred, the facts which determine that are undisputed by all participants, and the sanction is clear: The Co-Chairs will assemble a CRC report to recommend that determination of responsibility and sanction to the Dean.

(iii) Otherwise: The Co-Chairs will refer the case to a full hearing.

(d) Records: The Co-Chairs will keep a record of all information collected, including summaries of interviews conducted with witnesses.

SECTION 5. Full Hearing

(a) Notice of Hearing: If the case is proceeding to a full hearing, the respondent will be provided notice in writing of the alleged policy or honor code violation, the factual bases of the allegations against them, the basis for the decision to proceed to the full hearing, the records of the preliminary investigation, and all other evidence which will be provided to the CRC committee for the full hearing ("preliminary investigation statement").

(i) The respondent will be provided the reasonable opportunity to provide a written response to this notice, before the full hearing. The respondent has the right and responsibility to ensure the entire case is presented, including by requesting interviews be conducted with people and by providing potential questions for witnesses.

(b) CRC Committee Membership: A CRC Committee consists of the Co-Chairs and three voting members, which are selected by the Co-Chairs from the pool of CRC representatives. One of these must be an undergraduate student, one must be a member of faculty, and one must be a staff member. When possible, members will be selected on a rotating basis. If needed to convene such a Committee, the Co-Chairs may appoint former voting members. A new group of members will be convened for each case.

(i) Replacement: If a voting member must be replaced as per Section 3, this will also be done in accordance with the process above. If a case is tabled, voting members may be replaced if the original Committee is unavailable.

(c) Full Hearing Evidence:

(i) Those appearing before the CRC will be reminded that they are expected to tell the truth.

(ii) The respondent will be provided an opportunity during the course of the full hearing, during which they may present any new witnesses and additional evidence they wish. The respondent may provide their testimony in person and/or in writing. If new witness testimony or evidence is collected during the full hearing, the respondent will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond to it in person or in writing, before the CRC has finalized its recommendations to the Dean.

(d) CRC Committee: In order to make their recommendations, the Committee will convene. They will review the preliminary investigation statement and all other relevant information, including any presented by the respondent during the full hearing. They may interview relevant witnesses and the respondent at their discretion, when possible. Records from the Board of Control, the Dean of Students, and other relevant bodies may be included in this information, and may have an impact on the outcome. They will then vote on their recommendations, as per Section 6.

(e) Attendance: Attendance at the full hearing is limited to the CRC Committee. Witnesses and the respondent may attend only their own meetings with the Committee. The respondent may bring their CRC advisor. No other attendees at the full hearing are permitted.

(f) Records: The Co-Chairs will keep a record of all proceedings, including preliminary investigations, summaries of interviews conducted with witnesses and the respondent, and any additional relevant information. These must include the names of all participants, the names of the Committee, the evidence used in making decisions, and all decisions reached by the CRC, including vote tallies.

SECTION 6. CRC Recommendations and Report to Dean

(a) The CRC will seek to make recommendations in the best interest of the entire Caltech community.

(b) Recommendations: The Committee votes on these recommendations to the Dean:

(i) Determination of Responsibility: Whether an Honor Code and/or policy violation was committed by the respondent, and its scope.

(ii) Sanctions: If the Committee determines that a violation occurred, how to protect the Caltech community from future violations.

(c) Voting:

(i) Preponderance: The Committee will make their recommendations based on the preponderance of the evidence. For example, during the determination of responsibility vote, in order to recommend that the respondent committed a violation, the Committee must find that the relevant evidence shows a likelihood of 50% plus at least the weight of a feather (i.e., it is more likely than not) that such a violation occurred.

(ii) Votes Required: A unanimous vote of the voting members of the Committee shall be necessary for any decision of the CRC, such as these recommendations.

(iii) Deadlocks: If a vote does not meet the voting threshold, it may be repeated as necessary. However, in the event that the CRC deadlocks on one or more of its recommendations, the Committee may forward the details of its investigation to the Dean instead of coming to a decision, potentially including an incomplete CRC Report.

(iv) Abstentions: Abstentions are not allowed on the vote for determination of responsibility. A Committee member who is unable to make a decision on the determination of responsibility may not abstain but must vote that a violation has not occurred.

(d) Dismissals: If the Committee reaches a "no" vote on the determination of responsibility, it shall recommend dismissal to the Dean. In this case, a sanctions recommendation will not be made. Where dismissal is recommended, after either the preliminary investigation or the full hearing, the CRC and Dean may agree on further action or finalize the dismissal.

(e) Co-Chairs' Report: After the Committee has voted on its recommendations, the case is closed. The Co-Chairs will assemble a report containing the recommendations of the Committee and a summary of the facts and evidence used in making those recommendations ("CRC Report").

(f) Notice of Report: The Co-Chairs will provide their report to the respondent and the Dean.

SECTION 7. Final Determination

(a) Respondent's Response to Report: After a case is closed and before the final determination, the respondent will be provided with a reasonable opportunity to review and respond to the report.

(b) Dean's Response to Report: The Dean will review the report and the respondent's response to it. The Dean may request that the Co-Chairs or Committee conduct follow-up work, gather new evidence, or reopen the case. In this event, the respondent will be given an opportunity to respond to any new evidence gathered.

(i) If the full hearing was incomplete or the case was otherwise closed without a full hearing, the respondent may require that a case be reopened in this manner, in order for a complete full hearing to be held.

(c) Dean's Meeting: The Dean will meet with the respondent prior to making the final determination. This will include ensuring that the respondent was treated fairly during the proceedings.

(d) Final Determination: After reviewing the report and the respondent's response to it, the Dean will make a final determination of whether to adopt, reject, or modify the Committee's recommendations for determination of responsibility and sanctions (this is the "Final Determination"). The final determination will be included in the CRC report for the case.

(e) Notice of Final Determination: The Dean will inform the respondent, Co-Chairs, and any other individuals who are directly affected by the final determination of it in writing. The notice will include any sanctions that may be imposed, and information regarding the respondent's ability to appeal the Dean's determination and the process for doing so.

(f) Appeals: Within seven days of the Dean's written notice of final determination, the respondent may submit an appeal, in writing, to the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA), in which case the Dean's decision will not go into effect until the appeal is resolved. After considering an appeal, the VPSA may choose to adopt, reject, or modify the final determination. The VPSA may also instruct the CRC to conduct follow-up work, gather new evidence, or reopen the case. The VPSA will render their decision in writing to the respondent, Dean, Co-Chairs, and any other individuals who are directly affected by the final determination.

SECTION 8. Designees

(a) Co-Chair Designees: On any case, a CRC Co-Chair may designate someone else (a "Co-Chair designee") to perform some or all of the duties allocated to the Co-Chairs (Sections 3 through 7) for that case, in place of that Co-Chair. At any time, each case will be a total of two Co-Chairs and Co-Chair designees working on it. A Co-Chair designee cannot simultaneously be another type of participant in the case. A Co-Chair designee designated by a Student Co-Chair must be a current CRC student representative (as described in Section 2).

(b) Responsibilities: Designees have the same CRC requirements and restrictions as the role they have been designated for, including confidentiality as per Section 3.


SECTION 1. These bylaws may be amended in the following manner. The amendments may be proposed by official action of the Board of Directors, or by submission to the Board of Directors of the proposed amendment signed by twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Corporation. The President shall then call an election of the Corporation within fifteen (15) days after the proposal of the amendment.

SECTION 2. No Bylaw amendment concerning the Board of Control or the Conduct Review Committee shall be made by any vote restricted to Corporation members. Such amendments may be proposed by official action of the Board of Directors, or by submission to the Board of Directors of the proposed amendment signed by twenty percent (20%) of the registered undergraduate students. The President shall then put the amendment to a vote open to all registered undergraduates within fifteen (15) days after the submission of the amendment.

SECTION 3. Notice of the election and a complete statement of the amendment shall be posted and published at least seven (7) days previous to the election. For passage, an amendment must receive a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.


SECTION 1. These bylaws shall become operative immediately upon passage.